One year on….
Strange to be writing this a year after I, together with my design and digital team, first came up with the WordMinstrel concept, website and social media.

And what a year it was, the infamous Covid 2020! It was some 9 months in the making, after quite a few creative ‘labour pains’! Finally WordMinstrel was ‘birthed’ into a staggering pandemic world in December 2020 : technicolor proof of the old adage that nothing worthwhile is ever easy!

Giving up
At times, riven with the writer’s block blues – and the insidious voice which whispers to me that I’m destined only ever to be the most minor of the really good writers out there – I’ve considered giving this all up.

Clearly – and in more lucid moments – thankfully good sense, echoed by my dearest husband and others who believe in me – has prevailed. And so WordMinstrel and this Minstrel’s gallery of poetry photos and life musings continues.

If even one person floating out there in the intergalactic vastness of the Internet has truly been touched by my words since this site went live some six months ago, I consider this to be a worthwhile endevour.

I never set out with any other achievement in mind, familiar as I am with the strictures of deadlines and expectations in my professional life. However the past year has been vicious, and it has taken so much away in our personal and business lives which can never be replaced.

If I, as a storyteller and poet, a modern minstrel (though thanks to travel restrictions not currently a wandering one) can inspire, entertain or even just ignite the spark of cognition in someone’s mind, I am happy.

Digging in the dirt
Writing creatively reminds me that I am a human being. And in this human condition, I will celebrate my ability to survive by doing what we humans do: dig in the dirt of life, take the coal and make diamonds – metaphorically at least!

For me, this means writing: writing away the despair and heartache, taking the dross and turning it into something of value – for myself and others.

Sanctuary and healing
We all need the healing power of stories….The balm of fiction when we’ve overdosed on the bitter medicine of too much reality. It is in this spirit that I continue, keen to share the healing and the joy of communication through my words, and the WordMinstrel web site and social media. A latter-day pilgrim, if you will, hungry for that special sanctuary of creativity and healing – which only words and writing can bring.

Thank you for visiting my website and reading my writing. And in future, please do revisit this sanctuary of stories and poetry. In a post-pandemic world, we will need all the joy, inspiration and escapism we can get!

All the best,

8 + 11 =


