Full Circle
You shot the lights out
Now you don’t know
What you’re about
All that was ‘in’ is now ‘out’!
Slumbering heart
Needs a kickstart
There’s someone behind
That half-open door
Someone you knew
So well before
They’re laughing
And free
Fun and relaxed
Draw people closer
And have life ‘waxed’
Companion to creativity
Happiness their name
They looked a lot like you
Could have been twins
But you’re no longer the same
You live with just a beating heart
Seem happy, but it’s just a part
Played on life’s ever-demanding stage
Dogged by sadness, doubt and rage
Enough! Enough!
Push open that door
And lovingly embrace
Your twin
Full circle, to the one you were before
For all who have lost ‘twins’